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Guide Assassin's Creed Valhalla To Find The Six Hidden Bosses "The Drengr" And Obtain The Legendary Dagger Of Ragnar Lothbrok


Guide Assassin's Creed Valhalla To Find The Six Hidden Bosses "The Drengr" And Obtain The Legendary Dagger Of Ragnar Lothbrok

With the recent update 1.1.2 of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the Ubisoft teams who continue to work on the content of the game took the opportunity to slip a new quest related to the legendary Viking "Ragnar Lothbrok" or at least they have unlocked access to a quest that obviously should have been playable since the release of Valhalla. This new quest which is available now will give players a good opportunity to retrieve the dagger of "Ragnar" which is called "Drengiligr" . But for the quest to be triggered, it will first be necessary to validate some prerequisites ... it will indeed be necessary to defeat the 6 "Drengr of AC Valhalla"which can be found in several places in the game including England and parts of Norway. If you have not yet located them all, we simply suggest that you discover their six locations below.

Find and fight the six hidden bosses "the Drengr" of Assassin's Creed Valhalla:

Below, the location of the 6 optional bosses that will allow you to activate Ragnar Lothbrok's new quest. Which will allow you at the end to obtain the legendary dagger Drengiligr. Each time you successfully defeat a Drengr, you will get two additional skill points and a set of runes for your equipment. We have listed them for you in order of strength.

→ Find and fight the first Drengr "Erik Skull-loyal" :

A Drengr can be found in Norway in the Rygjafylk region at the top right of your Fornberg camp. More precisely, by zooming in on your map you will have to search at the level of "Hildesvini's Rock" , there is a cave hidden behind a waterfall where you will fight the optional boss "Erik Skull-loyal" after talking to him. The recommended power level for this first Drengr is only 10, so you can fight it from the start of the game.


→ Find and fight the second Drengr "Thor the Fisherman" :

The second is located in England in the East Anglia region just to the top right of Northwic and south of the Scotthoh farm when zooming in on the Map. This boss known under the name of "Thor the Fisherman" is very easy to beat, you can throw him off very easily with your bow and arrows.


→ Find and fight the third Drengr "Gotafrid Belle-Tenue" :

You will find this mini boss in the Eurvicsire region of England in the southern part between the Wyker and Jorvik areas. It's just above the tiny island that's secluded and separated by rivers on your map. By going to the scene, you will find "Gotafrid Belle-Tenue" practicing his art on a log (?) , Tell him that you have come to fight him. To get to Eurvicsire the recommended power is 190, but you may need a little more power to overcome it.


→ Find and fight the fourth Drengr "Shiningeye Nokfylla" :

The next "Shining-Eye Nokfylla" is located far north of the Eurvicsire region very close to Brunton's turret when zooming in on the Map. The man is just below the sync point, talk to him to start the fight. If this area of ​​the game has a recommended power of 190, you will certainly need a much more powerful Eivor to be able to defeat this Drengr.


→ Find and fight the fifth Drengr "Furyseeker Skegjold" :

You will find this optional AC Valhalla boss in the “Snotingehamscire” area of England near Thynghowe, northwest of Sherwood Forest when zooming in on the map. You must have advanced well in the adventure to attempt this fight, the recommended power level for this area is indeed 250 minimum! When you are at the scene, drink a cup of mead to start the fight. The Drengr "Fury Seeker Skegjold" has a passive that allows her to regenerate her health, using poison will not be too much to reverse the effects!


→ Find and fight the last Drengr "Orwig Sans-Trépas" :

All that's left for you to do is face off against the sixth and most powerful Drengr in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the aptly named "Orwig Sans-Trépas" . You will find it in Norway in the Hordafylke region where the recommended power is 280 and more precisely in the northeastern part of Ulriken peak. If the region's recommended potency is 280, you might just need to hit max power level with Eivor to defeat this last Drengr which will lead you on the quest to get Ragnar Lothbrok's secret dagger when you get there. and if you have defeated the other five Drengr of course!


Complete the new quest and get the Legendary Dagger of Ragnar Lothbrok:

Once you have overcome all these warriors, then you will unlock a new quest which will appear on the left of your screen and which will be called "the lost drengir of Ragnar Lothbrok". You will just have to follow the marker of the quest to reach the snake pit. Going down towards the iron cage which is at the bottom of the pit, pay close attention to the snakes then grab the "Drengiligr" dagger formerly belonging to Ragnar Lothbrok which will end the quest. This legendary dagger is of perfect quality, you can improve it and add runes to it to make it more efficient. Its perk allows you to deploy a smoke bomb on outnumbered elimination.

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